Al Jazeera Cineplex i Muharraq

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Jazeera Cineplex


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Muharraq, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1733 1900
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2671851, Longitude: 50.6151587

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Barleta

    Michelle Barleta


    Low price for Cinema ticket.. old movie house.. I'm not sure if they renovate it..

  • Vijilesh C.M

    Vijilesh C.M


    This theatre is a nice theatre where you can watch first day first show. The ticket price is 2BD and 2.3BD if taken through online. Mostly Indian movies are shown here. The theatre is pretty decent and felt nice after watching few movies from here. This theatre has mostly family audience. The food and drinks are price little high like all other theaters. In short a good place to spend your weekend with your family. When you book your ticket online and find everywhere full , try this place and you will definitely get ticket.

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    veena nambyar


    Decent theatre with good sound quality

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    Nassar Munaz


    Its a small theatre with just 2 small screens , usually not crowded , good seating and sound system . Less parking spaces available near the cinema

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    A small Cinema located in Muharraq, usually it's quiet & not crowded, good for casual outing

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