Seef Megaplex Cinemas i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSeef Megaplex Cinemas


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Seef, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 8900
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Latitude: 26.2328873, Longitude: 50.5385953

kommentar 5

  • No 1

    No 1


    ‫مررررررتب المول وجمييييييل ولكن يعيبه قل تنوع المطاعم فيه ولكن لا بأس بالموجود..‬ ‫في الغالب الباركنق يكون مزدحم ومافيه مكان لسيارتك ..‬ ‫وايضاً ازدحام الناس عند السينما ورغم هذا الازدحام يوجد كاونترين فقط لحجز التذاكر!!‬ ‫رائع بشكل عام ومن المولات الجميله الي زرتها ‬

  • Waruna Wijesuriya

    Waruna Wijesuriya


    This place is a relaxed place. Highly recommended to watch your favorite movie. But not all movies that screen in City Center are screened here. So it's best you check the movie your plan to watch online before getting there.

  • Sunil Madathil

    Sunil Madathil


    One thing I like about these cinema is that you don't have to wait in line for a ticket and there aren't alot of people that comes to this theatre. Mostly well mannered people you can find in this movie . But the parking can be bit problem in the weekend if you leave the vehicle outside in the open area it can be managed .It's also in a mall so there are plenty of restaurants near by. This cinema is definitely a recommend if you don't like to be disturbed in a cinema and if you're looking for a place to watch your movie relaxed.

  • M Nasir

    M Nasir


    Not too much rush compared to city center. Quick ticketing and plenty of options to choose. great offers too. Excellent

  • Maryam Mohammed

    Maryam Mohammed


    I really like it. You don't have to wait in line for a ticket and there aren't alot of people that comes to this theatre. The people that usually comes to this theatre respects cinema manners. One of my favourite cinemas but the parking can be an issue in weekends. It's also in a mall so there are plenty of restaurants near by. This cinema is definitely a recommend if you don't like to be disturbed in a cinema and if you're looking for a place to watch your movie relaxed.

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