Vita Tower i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainVita Tower


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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1766 9812
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2201146, Longitude: 50.6067033

kommentar 5

  • مهند بن بلال

    مهند بن بلال


    Good prices, clean room , good service i will visit again

  • en



    we wanted to do a booking for 8 days... but i think it is a joke that the pool closes.... we are on holiday... people is responsible for their own kids... do you also close the elevators after 12 pm ??? it is exactly the same thing it is time that you grow up and start to comply to international standards and not be a kinder garden !!!! what else do you close after 12pm... are you going to come and close my stove top as well?????? wake up and start giving service !!!!

  • en

    Calvin James


    I was introduced to a couple of friends who had come down to Bahrain on visit, and, they happened to stay at Vita Tower. The apartment they booked was rather cozy, and well equipped. The reception was responsive to requests. The lobby looked ideally good The prices however were on the steep end and the location of the tower itself got a bit hard to reach (or maybe Google Maps was having a fit that day). Overall the experience was comforting.

  • en

    Elias Bader


    Room was fairly clean, gym was spacious and well equipped. Didn't like the pool as it was indoor and the smell of chlorine was a bit harsh due to the confined space. The channels on the TV were lagging Other than that it was all good

  • Syammohan Kothottil

    Syammohan Kothottil


    Vita tower is a cozy place.. very good for family with young kids.. quiet place... Affordable... Good customer service... Pleasant staff... housekeeping services are also not bad... Nice restaurants nearby.. for weekend bahrain trip, good choice for accomodation...

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