The K Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainThe K Hotel


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Road No 2427, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.214221, Longitude: 50.610556

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jennifer Heaton


    We went to K Hotel to have the Friday brunch at Kolors. It was lovely, there is a wide variety of food with a few live cooking stations. The food is very good. Kolors was busy and they had a singing duo who were pleasant. The staff are friendly and helpful. I would definitely recommend Kolors.

  • Sanket Kothari

    Sanket Kothari


    Love the sports lounge. Very chilled out ambience and great games available.

  • en

    Gus Cunningham III


    Great food, hotel service and amenties. A must stay hotel when visiting Bahrain. Tourist attraction is the Tree of Life! Also Australia visit is American Alley! Enjoy!

  • de

    Sven Dunkel


    Sehr angenehmes Hotel

  • Mohammad Hammed

    Mohammad Hammed


    الفندق لطيف .. الفرق جيدة جدا مستوى النظافة رائع الطعام مقبول .. بوفيه الإفطار الفندق أربع نجوم جيد الخدمة ممتازة .. بس ممكن تسمع أصوات اللي جنبك بالغرفة وهو أمر مزعج بس بشكل عام الفندق جيدجدا

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