The Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa, Manama i Manama

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BahrainThe Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Residence & Spa, Manama



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 1666
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Latitude: 26.2411669, Longitude: 50.5920334

kommentar 5

  • ashish gandhi

    ashish gandhi


    We held a office party here. Ambience is good and food is also good. Service was a bit slow.

  • Atef Hashmi

    Atef Hashmi


    Excellent hotel with huge lobby. Stuff was very polite. Rooms are really spacious and nice.

  • Hartmut Limprecht

    Hartmut Limprecht


    Nice hotel in Manama, Bahrain. Just 15 minutes away from the airport. They have their own shuttle service but you need to pay for it. Pool and gym facilities are very good and clean. Same as the rooms, nice and clean. Fiddlers Green (Irish Pub) is directly attached to the hotel. Meeting room facilities are a bit expensive but if you have a apartment, then you even can have a meeting in their.

  • Mujahed Al-Khashram

    Mujahed Al-Khashram


    I wanted to say nice things about diplomat Radisson Bahrain.. Great location comfortable beds and rooms not cheep. You're limited with 2 bottles of water. In room dining is very expensive and it takes them 45 minutes to make me plain eggs or cheese sandwich. Most of the time they don't answer the phone. In conclusion I do not recommend this hotel due to its very poor and careless service.

  • Mitul Chothani

    Mitul Chothani


    One of the good hotel in Bahrain. Reasonably priced. Decent room sizes. Nicely maintained. Very clean and tidy. Friendly and helping staff. Ample parking space. Food is good. Gym and Pool is A+ plus. Many corporate events like seminars, meeting and conferences are regularly arranged here. Very good views from high rise floors. (If you find this review helpful, please like it. It will motivate to write more such reviews to help others. It takes only one Click to like it)

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