Golden Tulip Bahrain i المنامة

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BahrainGolden Tulip Bahrain


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Palace Road, المنامة, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 5000
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Latitude: 26.2399662, Longitude: 50.584477

kommentar 5

  • Alby Kunnappally

    Alby Kunnappally


    I have been staying on and off in this hotel since last five hears. This is the company accommodation for us. The hotel and staff are good. But the. Consistent problem since last 5 years is the wifi connectivity. Every time I come I complained to the staff. No action so far

  • Ryan Holm

    Ryan Holm


    The hotel room was nice and clean, the breakfast buffet had something for every nationality. The club that is inside the hotel had live music and was open until 2am eveyday, it wasn't exactly as advertised though but still a good choice if you want food or a drink before bed.

  • Ponni M. Sundram

    Ponni M. Sundram


    Good place to stay. My only difficulty was that I had an 18 hour lay over in Bahrain and had to wait 2 hours for the people at the horrible Bahrain airport to get me transit and accommodation. Then with high amt of sleep.. I had to wait in the hotel lobby for one an half hour since they din have rooms vacant. They had arranged food for us separately . But.. The quality was ok.. And the place allotted to have the food was so bad.. I paid and ate at their restaurant which was good. They gave me a 50% discount on the bill. Thanks to the management. And.. Yes.. The room was great.. Had locker, refrigerator, the Holy Quran, TV, a room length mirror, reading lights, complimentary water, coffee powders, a kettle, weighing machine, extra blankets, room service, hair drier, sewing kit, toiletries and a very nice bed. Since it was 3 days after Christmas.. They still had the Christmas decor in their restaurant.

  • Valerie Francis

    Valerie Francis


    We always used to stay here and had stayed there many, many times but on our last visit we were treated shockingly. We have never stayed again. Rooms are very tired. Breakfast is good.

  • Ali Al Mulla

    Ali Al Mulla


    Best seafood buffet in Bahrain on Wednesday night. Competitive price & excellent service. Wish they bring a professional singer though instead of karaoke artist now.

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