Fraser Suites Diplomatic Area i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainFraser Suites Diplomatic Area



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Road No 1701, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1616 1800
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2426115, Longitude: 50.5898037

kommentar 5

  • abhimaan desai

    abhimaan desai


    Location is perfect, close to airport and whatever u need. Very friendly staff who gave me complimentary upgrade to a deluxe sea view suite. Will definitely keep coming here.

  • Arun Vs

    Arun Vs


    You can do long stay here. It feels like your home. If you are goind to stay short time, it is very good place. And if you are couples, you can feel intimate. Best bathrooms, bedrooms and living rooms. They will allot you different rooms if you are staying one or two days.

  • Yaqoub Al Hosni

    Yaqoub Al Hosni


    Very luxurious place in the heart of Manama. Extremely clean apartments. Located near many coffee shops, restaurants and shops. Multi-storey car park. Although a bit expensive, I think it's worth it especially if traveling with family.

  • P Emanuel

    P Emanuel


    Rooms are pretty close to top notch. Nice view of the sea if you're high up enough. The rooms are furnished well and there's a tub for those who are so inclined to use it.

  • en

    surya rai


    Excellent hospitality, Stayed in 1705, Room was fantastic, good view, excellent cleaning, enjoyed every moment..... I would like to thank SHIN ( Reception), ALAM (Housekeeping), BARSHA (Restaurant)... They are very humble and Respectful and made our visit memorable. Thank you 😊

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