Sheraton Bahrain Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainSheraton Bahrain Hotel



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6 Palace Avenue, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 3533
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.23904, Longitude: 50.583208

kommentar 5

  • Yuji Hoshi

    Yuji Hoshi


    Slightly dated facilities. Great that it's the closest hotel to the avenues mall. Walking distance




    This hotel is a very old hotel and in 2018 this shouldn't be considered as a 5 star hotel. If you are comparing 5 star hotels with the famous one around the world, this must be out of the list. The haves this can Reserve at most 3 Stars hotel.

  • Asli Car Accessories

    Asli Car Accessories


    very good staff and location inside city. This is very nice looking and comfortable with stylish rooms. spa and drawings. car parking and lawns. pool also with fresh water. you can enjoy a good healthy and safe environment here. amazing atmosphere inside and outside. a good achievement by management of Hotel. really enjoyed here. overall nice and great.

  • Zahoor Ahmed

    Zahoor Ahmed


    very good staff and location inside city. This is very nice looking and comfortable with stylish rooms. spa and drawings. car parking and lawns. pool also with fresh water. you can enjoy a good healthy and safe environment here. amazing atmosphere inside and outside. a good achievement by management of Hotel. really enjoyed here. overall nice and great.

  • Mohammad Albeloushi

    Mohammad Albeloushi


    I stayed at the Sheraton for about a week during a business trip. The staff at the hotel are lovely and I found them to be very accommodating. The rooms are of decent size and the beds are comfortable. However, the Hotel screams for renovation. You stay at a 5-star hotel expecting 5 stars from everything such as service, amenities, food, furniture, appliances, decor etc. And frankly the furniture, decor, and bar/lounge etc all feel like I'm still in the 90s. If the hotel was labeled as a 4-star maybe I'd be fine and accept it for what it is, but given that this is supposed to be a 5-star Sheraton, I don't think it's acceptable. The other thing is that the hotel has smoking rooms. So even if you didn't get a smoking room, some rooms still seem to have cigarette smell. Not sure if it's because the smoke is circulating in the AC, but smoke smell is evident throughout the hotel.

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