Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Al Jazira Cold Store Complex, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 1641
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.206919, Longitude: 50.576291

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sameeh Al-Zidany


    Had a good time. Just need to extend the working hours after med night

  • Ibraheem Rajab

    Ibraheem Rajab


    Good location, many young people hanging out there. Outside seating and inside.

  • hassan maskati

    hassan maskati


    The staff are friendly and they prepare good coffee for a takeout. They serve the queue very fast.

  • Reem Al-Qatari

    Reem Al-Qatari


    It is always the best place to be for an asprin !! Espresso Frap Venti with whip cream and it is all gone .. yummy croissants too : ) 😋

  • en

    m osman


    The place serves decent-eesh coffee but the seats and floors are nasty! Flies were sitting on the overpriced coffee cup and cake I bought! I will not go back again. I went there to meet with friends and the chair smelled like a kid peed there. People leave their cups and plates around on tables. They could take care of disposing their trash. Clean up your mess people! Wishful thinking on my part? Grossed out is the phrase here!

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