Residence Inn by Marriott Manama Juffair i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainResidence Inn by Marriott Manama Juffair


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Building 894, Road 2414, Block 324, Al Fateh، Manama 199, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 3888
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2198415, Longitude: 50.604988

kommentar 5

  • betsy josephine

    betsy josephine


    Have been staying here for almost a month. The space is good and has the ease of access to all malls , eateries and shops. The hotel is very much family oriented with no bars, clubs or pubs. But for those who would need all that, you could just step out of the hotel and Bang!! You are surrounded by clubs, pubs etc.

  • Mike Jackson

    Mike Jackson


  • Ali Mahfouz

    Ali Mahfouz


    The worst experience with marriott ever This place doesn't reach marriott level The clean is poor the parking are stupid the service is very bad no one helps in your luggage the apartments needs a lot of repairs The restaurant serve only morning breakfast if you want any other meals you have to go to the other branch of the apartments I don't recommend anyone to go there The price can get you a lot better places

  • ahmed jabri

    ahmed jabri


    المكان الافضل للعائلة في المنامه

  • Abdulla Alaqil

    Abdulla Alaqil


    Great location and great quality... amazing service

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