Orange Suites Hotel Apartments i المنامة

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BahrainOrange Suites Hotel Apartments


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Road 2423, المنامة, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1722 2888
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2160769, Longitude: 50.6113918

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tariq Jitan


    Very Clean and well maintained , spacious room , toiletries , valet parking .. great for the price

  • en

    sattam marwan


    This new hotel in Manama is very clean and spacious. I liked it a lot. There is a playground for kids at the ground floor. The apartment was great but the kitchen was empty. However the elevator was not good.

  • ali asghar

    ali asghar


    A very modernistic suite apartment with the best value i believe. The suite was huge, clean and had a kitchenette along with one of the best hotel wifi i have ever used. A must stay in Juffair.

  • en

    Zahra AlZouri


    The apartment was very big. The kids were very happy with it. Good soundproof. Ameneties were satisfactory. satisfaction.Unfortunately, we missed the breakfast. The one thing i didn't like was the kids' play area location and It needs improvement. Overall, it was a good night stay.

  • Hassan AlMuaibed

    Hassan AlMuaibed


    Nice place and It is very good for families because the hotel is quite and there is no night club. Don’t worry about parking just drop your car for the free valet parking and they will take care about it. The room and the living room are separated. Also, the apartment area is large.

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