مقهى ليالي زيزينيا السلمانية i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrainمقهى ليالي زيزينيا السلمانية



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Block 329, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3920 2555
internet side: www.zezenya.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2151664, Longitude: 50.5655374

kommentar 5

  • en

    Khizr Saleem


    One of the oldest coffee shop (sheesha) in Bahrain. They are very consistent in providing there service. Cheap sheesha, zero customer service. You would only visit this place for two reasons. 1. For convenience 2. If you're broke

  • en

    Mahmood Ahmed


    Suitable for smokers for Hubble bubble ( shisha) otherwise it's choking for non smoker people. They offer some traditional games , video games, and T.V. with sport channels

  • en

    Khalil Al Gassab


    Does the job. Nothing fancy and smoke is an issue with bad ventilation

  • Ali Al Qassab

    Ali Al Qassab


    A nice place to have shisha and watch a football match, the priced are very reasonable.

  • Manas Iusupbaev

    Manas Iusupbaev


    Good location with good shisha The service is poor and need to improve hygiene The cats are walking everywhere inside the coffee shop The hot drinks they are serving cold especially turkish coffee

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