Marriott Executive Apartments Manama, Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainMarriott Executive Apartments Manama, Bahrain



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Road 2414, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 3999
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.220639, Longitude: 50.605981

kommentar 5

  • Llama D

    Llama D


    I have been staying at the Marriott Executive Apartments in Bahrain for almost two months now. The management and staff at the front desk has been extremely helpful over the course of my stay. They greet me each day, usually by name. And they have provided excellent service whenever I have requested it. The housekeeping staff, Biju in particular, are outstanding. Biju is always quick with a smile and a kind word. I'm looking forward to the rest of my stay here!

  • Gabriel Trujillo

    Gabriel Trujillo


    The best hotel in the area. Clean and quiet rooms. Massive apartment style rooms.

  • mary kane Opon

    mary kane Opon


    Amazing hotel, that's was one guy his name is Ali, he's very helpful

  • Kaytlin Williams

    Kaytlin Williams


    Excellent friendly staff that makes you feel welcomed the moment you arrive. The condo is spacious, quiet and very clean. There’s a full kitchen and a large dining area and living room. There is also a washer/dryer in the room, making this hotel a great option for extended stays. This hotel is within an easy drive to major attractions in town and is close to the airport. It’s a hotel I would recommend.

  • leah ali

    leah ali


    Definitely a five star accommodation! We have stayed at this property multiple times in the two, three and four bedroom units. Breakfast is always delicious, staff are always professional and the rooms are always spotless. The only thing I personally would change is to add hoses to the bathrooms that do not have them. Bidets are provided but I personally do not like them. Love, love, love this place.

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