Maggies Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainMaggies Cafe



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 2603, Manama, BH Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1771 2228
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2201736, Longitude: 50.5887137

kommentar 5

  • Aman Makandar

    Aman Makandar


    Really amazing food, the pizza was absolutely amazing. You must try their special sheesha

  • Prince A T

    Prince A T


    Maggie’s Café is an exciting spot for people to gather, put down the issues of the day and truly have fun again. Maggie’s Café is the perfect place to meet and connect with others in an invigorating environment for every guest, no matter when they came. All staff at Maggie’s Café pride themselves on providing a stimulating environment, where guess feel free at ease and open to act naturally, speak honestly and play freely, presenting new, exciting, great-tasting favorites in the process. By the end of their visit, our guests experience that energizing second wind that leaves them feeling re-energized.

  • en

    Shaker Zahhar


    Excellent shisha, food, prices and service. Its hard to find parking

  • Bob B

    Bob B


    مكان جميل وهادي وجنبه محل برجر حاشي جميل

  • Mohamed Jamal

    Mohamed Jamal


    Nice place but not n a good location

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