Extrovert Cafe i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainExtrovert Cafe



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Road No 2608, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 2248
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Latitude: 26.2188862, Longitude: 50.5888572

kommentar 5

  • Jawad Y

    Jawad Y


    Used to be one of the best coffeeshop's in Bahrain but now after its invaded by "Saudi's" it's one of the worst. Place is so crowded, noisy with a very slow and bad service. Try to avoid this place.

  • Zahra Jawad

    Zahra Jawad


    the service was excellent .. there was a verity of placed to sit .. the out door open area and the insde open area and the privit area .. the food was good and the shisha was amazing.. the prices was afordable ..

  • Moe



    They have good menu for food and sheesha ( Hookah ) place is nice and cozy, ( they have 2 indoor areas which one is consider public indoor and the second is private rooms) out door area also is 2 sections which is in a tent ( air conditioning is on when wether is hot ) and the other section is open area is good to sit when the weather is pleasant. They have friendly staff and provide the best service to make your experience comfortable and nice.

  • Atif habib

    Atif habib


    Good place for sheesha lovers

  • Hameed Marhoon

    Hameed Marhoon


    Really I’m disappointed! Previously I orderd always stuffed chicken but yesterday they brought for me almost broasted chicken!! It was tough and you cannot eat it!!

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