Elite Crystal Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainElite Crystal Hotel



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Road 2423, Block 324, Bldg 1373 Juffair، Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1736 0360
internet side: www.elitegrouphotels.com
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Latitude: 26.215678, Longitude: 50.610848

kommentar 5

  • John Varghese

    John Varghese


    This review is ONLY for the GYM facility in Elite Crystal Hotel. Good gym with well maintained TechnoGym equipments. Very neat and tidy gym. Vinod, the gym instructor, is always around to help you and guide you.

  • en

    Konstantin Nurutdinov


    Everything is extremely clean, new and fresh. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Very good facilities. Great safe parking area. Good Wi-Fi. Three layers of curtains, wardrobes, chest of drawers, AC from +8C to +35C, two TV-s, tables in bedroom and kitchen bar stools, two sitter, armchair, DVD player with quadro sound system, two TVs, queen (?) bed, 4 towels, ironing board, toiletries, kettle, microwave, large fridge, large safe to fit large laptop, 2 tea spoons, two glasses, two mugs, tea, coffee, sugar, bottled water But: no plates in kitchenette. Excellently equipped room and great service. Will come again.

  • en

    Moatasem Ayyash


    Excellent management and room service but more enhacements to room morning light

  • Ahsen Gilani

    Ahsen Gilani


    Everything was fantastic. One thing i would recommend is dedicate a room and convert it to a day care or kids centre with video games or small slides with a nanny. So couples can enjoy fully the bar and club scene. Overall everyone was wonderfull

  • Joe Alam

    Joe Alam


    Very friendly staff and nice facilities. Quiet location and yet close to activities and entertainment venues. The rooms are clean, spacious and well equipped. I always enjoy my stay there and it's a very nice experience every time, free of hustle. Keep it up guys... :)

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