Best Western Plus The Olive i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBest Western Plus The Olive


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Building 507, Road 2408, Block 324, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 1133
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.219444, Longitude: 50.606111

kommentar 5

  • Shriram Salunke

    Shriram Salunke


    Good Location and Amazing service

  • Qasim Mustafa Ali

    Qasim Mustafa Ali


    The hotel staff were polite and nice. Hotel room was super clean and bed is comfortable

  • en

    ahmed amer


    Not safe hotel I forget my wallet and when I come back they told me that they see my wallet and they didn't see money inside.. supposed to be they will not tell me about my money supposed to be they will only tell me that they found my wallet that's it. Keep your valuable things with you don't keep it there.. NOT TRUSTED HOTEL.. and the staff the managers they don't care they will not help you to find out who take your things..

  • Aashish Sharma

    Aashish Sharma


    Travelling to new place is always a great experience. If you have already decided the hotel to stay at designation, this makes you little relax. But the hotel management takes care of your pick up from airport and comfortably drops you at hotel and from receptionist to other staff members gives you full helping hand. I am damn sure you will forgot your tiredness of travel and will look to roam around..... BEST Western Plus The Olive...As the name says 'BeSt', literally its the Best!!!!

  • en

    Jaffer Al-Alawi


    High Class Hotel The best hotel with neatness, great staff and situated at perfect location. The staff are so helpful, the ambiance of the room is extraordinary. The staff allocates the room of our choice and are very polite. If you are new to Bahrain just ask the staff they will guide you in perfect way with high patience. The maintenance of the pool is amazing.

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