Belle TOWER Luxury Apartment i Manamah

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BahrainBelle TOWER Luxury Apartment


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Manamah, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 0148
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Latitude: 26.2200852, Longitude: 50.6077202

kommentar 5

  • A.J. Bergh

    A.J. Bergh


    Goed bevallen, niet te duur. Luxe appartementen met eigen slaapkamer en badkamer. Mogelijkheid tot ontbijten. Vriendelijk personeel, zou het zeker aanbevelen.

  • bahrain taxi

    bahrain taxi


    ممتاز خدمة راقية

  • Augustina T

    Augustina T


    Apart from the slight mix up upon check in, it was a nice stay. Great location... But prices are very high for in room snacks, also food takes ages if you order.

  • ar

    abdulaziz eid


    مكان ممتاز نظيف .. السرير نظيف و كذلك الغرف و الصاله و دورات النياة مكان انصح به

  • nikhil varma

    nikhil varma


    Very reasonably priced fully furnished apartments in the heart of Juffair. Less than 500m from recently opened Juffair Mall. During my stay the cleaning was up to the mark and the front office and manager of the property were always smiling and ready to make your stay even better. I guess this is a cheaper option as compared to a hotel and a lot more amenities including a fully fledged kitchen and their wifi as ridiculously fast!

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