Arman Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainArman Hotel



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Awal Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1728 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2169426, Longitude: 50.6077152

kommentar 5

  • Sultan A

    Sultan A


    The Lebanese bar on 4th floor has girls cheating on gulf men with the help of the supervisor to pay more on table

  • Ambassador to the United States

    Ambassador to the United States


    Friendly staff members and the food and drinks in the bar and restaurants are great. They have a Russian Go Go type bar. The Cigar Lounge has very good vibes pool table and DJ and theme nights. Take a trip to all the different clubs and the mall is connected to the Hotel so you're budget for food is easy with the food court or LULUs. If you're an American there are no close ATMs the Al Jazara Shopping center and Al Rosa mall are the working ATMs for American Banks. There is a Cold Store by the Gas Station for cheap snacks and drinks if you don't want to buy groceries or and 50 in. TV at lulu's. If you're new to the area down load talabat for food delivery if all of the mentioned places are not what you're looking for....

  • Elvis Gonzalez

    Elvis Gonzalez


    Nice hotel with several amenities. The jet stream style bath tub is very nice as well.

  • Faisal Yousuf

    Faisal Yousuf


    Avoid this hotel. I've stayed in many hotels in Bahrain and this is the worst. My room had a connecting door to the adjacent room and the noise was unbearable. My neighbor was blasting music late in the evening and even in the next morning.

  • en

    Ryan Fitzgerald


    Great hotel. Excellent location, near shopping and naval base. Excellent staff!

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