Al kwar Restaurants & Grills مشويات الكوار i Manama

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BahrainAl kwar Restaurants & Grills مشويات الكوار



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 7711 6644
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Latitude: 26.2359675, Longitude: 50.5896515

kommentar 5

  • Nur Anisah Abdullah

    Nur Anisah Abdullah


    Was looking for a place for dinner. Found them on Google explore restaurants. Nothing fancy but good food at amazingly reasonable prices. Mixed grill served with bread, salad and mutabel for 1.5BD !! I had had a seafood buffet at the hotel for 25BD!!! comparatively food quality similar Taste -as good Of course at Al Kwar - was without the ambience or personal service that a hotel provides . But what I wanted for a great dinner, no fuss, good tasting food with no complains - I just wanted good food , I'm not fancy with status - so I love the place for value for money. Really - highly recommended for grills Will try out the menu the next time I'm in town ! 💖

  • Nader Baloch

    Nader Baloch


    Taste is good, But they brought the order very late and incomplete, Service is very poor

  • Mubarak Al Sulaity

    Mubarak Al Sulaity


    Perfect place for breakfast or dinner, with reasonable price. Egg with cheese is a MUST

  • Rucha Sonare

    Rucha Sonare


    Excellent grilled food and very reasonably priced.Service is great. Liked by Locals and Expats equally. Highly recommended!

  • Wajieda Ahmed

    Wajieda Ahmed


    Quality tasty grills at very affordable prices. Try the tikka fry if you a meat lover or even the mix grills. Better to eat there so you can enjoy the fresh bread that comes with it hot and crispy out of the clay oven. Be sure to ask for hummus as well. Portion sizes are great and filling. You will become hooked and end up becoming a regular just like me.

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