Maki i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrain World Trade Center, King Faisal Highway, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1752 2733
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Latitude: 26.239391, Longitude: 50.580567

kommentar 5

  • Muhammad Osama

    Muhammad Osama


    Very good service, awesome food and taste, great ambience inside. Perfect and cozy experience!

  • en

    OMAR R


    Delicious food, good service, and the place is neat and relaxing. Kinda pricey thou, but other than that everything is good.

  • en



    Pricy+Terrible taste Do not even think to visit it The rice used in sushi rolls seems to be the cheapest rice in Bahrain. Fish is not fresh at all. Place is very nice and waiters friendly but it is a restaurant to eat to sit snd enjoy view.

  • Wael H.M.

    Wael H.M.


    Great for a special occasion. Good service and good food with quirky Khaleeji names. The sushi was savory and had a variety of flavors and textures. Parking was easily available. I appreciate a restaurant that takes reservations seriously.

  • en

    Mohamad Hamade


    Maki is a must try if you are a visitor and be sure it will become a favorite to visit if you are living on the Island. Everything from the minimalist industrial design which works surprisingly well for a fine Japanese restaurant to the food which is truly incredible. Always exceptionally fresh, strikingly flavored and fabulously delicious every dish will be both a pleasant delight and appear to be from another part of the Universe. The sure favorites are the Tara 2, Crazy Tuna Maki, Akogame Salmon, Oliver Maki Salad and special filo shrimp. If you’re on a budget skip the drinks and order just green tea – it’s complimentary and will save you a bundle. Cheers.

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