Beiruti i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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شارع القصر, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1728 0788
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Latitude: 26.2311373, Longitude: 50.5885384

kommentar 5

  • Ali Najmave

    Ali Najmave


    Best place to visit

  • mustafa alsitrawi

    mustafa alsitrawi


  • Moayyed Feroze

    Moayyed Feroze


  • Waleed I. Sarwani

    Waleed I. Sarwani


    This “cheap and cheerful” only serves different types of Arabic mezze like falafel, hummus, foul, vine leaves etc. The falafel is always fresh and hot and amongst the best you’ll find on the island. There is a good-sized seating area but although it is clean, it’s quite basic and feels a bit like a cafeteria. There is a “family area” separated by a folding screen for those that may need privacy and there is a washroom on premises too. The biggest issue with this restaurant is its location - just metres from a busy traffic intersection on Palace Avenue. However, if you don’t mind walking a bit, it would be best to park anywhere before reaching the intersection where is there is plenty of paid parking. They will do a “car hop” service too but this can cause traffic problems when it’s busy, especially in the evenings. If you want to get a take away, call ahead as it can take a while to prepare the order.

  • Mahmood Neama

    Mahmood Neama


    جيد ولكن الخدمات تعبانه

nærmeste Restaurant

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