Abd El Wahab (Lebanese Restaurant) i Manama

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BahrainAbd El Wahab (Lebanese Restaurant)


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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1713 1111
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Latitude: 26.2400421, Longitude: 50.581333

kommentar 5

  • Esmail Jobran

    Esmail Jobran


    Great food! One of my favorite Lebanese restaurants in town!

  • en

    may dahlawi


    Went there with my family had dinner there food was tasty music ok Next day me and my daughter woke up 6:00 am with stomach ache, diarrhea and vomiting went to the hospital We were told it’s something We ate never going there again to be on the safe side

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    Waleed Rusheidat


    Very elegant and nice place. Excellent food. Middle East flavors at best. Attached to a high end mall. The manager there Mr Hassan is an outstanding gentleman

  • Hassan Al Omran

    Hassan Al Omran


    Upscale Lebanese restaurant, it is located outside Moda mall you can park in their parking (the first two hours are free of charge). It is expensive but worth trying (they charge 20% over the bill). Try the eggplant fitah.

  • Rua Felimban

    Rua Felimban


    Food was more than great. Nice live Arabic music

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