Words Bookstore Cafe i Northern Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainWords Bookstore Cafe



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Building 1478, Block 504, Road 455, Jannusan, Northern Governorate, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1769 0790
internet side: www.wordsbookstorecafe.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2198242, Longitude: 50.4914977

kommentar 5

  • en

    pleasure cooking


    Nice collection of books for kids and grown ups , cosy place . You can order coffee , muffins etc.

  • Hassan Alsawaf

    Hassan Alsawaf


    Very nice cafe Amazing books collection The prices are pit higher than what I expected

  • en

    Shanine Mohebat


    Great selection of books and a lovely cafe

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    Olivia Roth


    Great books, gifts and an incredible coffee shop with a wide range of cakes (including flourless cakes)!

  • Laila A

    Laila A


    They had "good night stories for rebel girls" ❤!! I had yet to see that book on shelves so i was excited to see it. Its a book great for the youngins and i have been wanting to get it for my little brother and sister. They have many more books, of course, and a few tables to study. I did not have any coffee but my sister got an affogato (ice cream with coffee poured on top 😍) and enjoyed it. Staff was nice, no bathrooms though, but free wifi. Oh they also sell some trendy hand made items as well.

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