Tubli Gas Station i Tubli

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BahrainTubli Gas Station



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Avenue 13, Tubli, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.198054, Longitude: 50.5573157

kommentar 5

  • P.muthu



    Everyday too much busy this area

  • Sunil Madathil

    Sunil Madathil


    Ideal location for a fuel station because of easy access from the main road always crowded and you will find long queue. waiting time to fill your tank could take you between 15-25 minutes if it is the attendants duty change over. Otherwise, it's a good filling station. You can even pick your groceries at the 24/7 market or grab a cup of coffee from it. There's also a shop to change your car oil and tyres.

  • en

    Amit Mhatre


    Good petrol facility in Tubli... Washroom facility should be made available...

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Usually it's busy at night but I prefer it because it's easily accessible from the highway and had an ATM which helps if you're short on cash!

  • Astrid Armstrong

    Astrid Armstrong


    It's a gas station. Aces in & out good. If going back onto Highway towards Sitar, Manama then the it can be a busy road & slow progress to get to the junction to put you back on the Highway.

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