Toyota Plaza Gas Station i Tubli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainToyota Plaza Gas Station



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Tubli, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.1892881, Longitude: 50.5409047

kommentar 5

  • Rojy Simon

    Rojy Simon


    This is the head office of Career Europe Education Consultancy W. L. L. Bahrain

  • en

    mohamed alomari alomari


    The agency's employees are ignoring customers and asking them for excessive amounts deliberately and this kind of fraud and fraud and I will personally submit an official communication in the Ministry of Industry and Trade because they took excessive amounts knowing that when I bought the car from the agency in Sitra said I am kindly informed that the BD 12 will be taken as maintenance for the first time. When I went to the Tubli branch, the Indian employee asked me for JD 18 on the grounds that he would change the oil and filter. I told him that in the agency, the employee asked me only 12 BD. It is our hope that we will give you the free manual labor service with you I know that manual labor is free in all Bahraini companies that provide car services. I will again file a complaint at the police station, following the city of Issa, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the office of Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. He is a poor man and I do not have a lot of money and that's why I'll make a complaint until I get back the right

  • en

    Ahmad Daous


    Clean, new machines, not always crowded, good service. The location is a problem due to congestion in the traffic light leading to it

  • en

    Azhar Muhammedcp


    Nice service and good staff

  • Asya Ali

    Asya Ali


    Very quick service. Make sure you have cash.

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