Adari Petrol Station i Northern Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAdari Petrol Station



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kontakter telefon: +973 1740 0412
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Latitude: 26.1995615, Longitude: 50.5524637

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laith Alloosh


    On the way to Riffa, most of the time it's not occupied.

  • Saswati Borah

    Saswati Borah


    Fast service at this petrol station. This is very advantageous because it is on the highway and commuters need to make quick entry and exit in order to get to their destinations. There is also a mart in the same location for other quick purchases.

  • Majdi Zaidan

    Majdi Zaidan


    Nice because no traffic there

  • Dileep D

    Dileep D


    Fuel station adjacent to the highway near adhari park. It is less crowded often. You can fill the fuel and come out within minutes.

  • en

    Shehab Khashaba


    Good station with access to highway. Unfortunately, doesn't accept credit cards

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