Reval Medical Center - Plastic surgeries | Skincare | Laser Hair Removal | Dentistry i Isa Town

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BahrainReval Medical Center - Plastic surgeries | Skincare | Laser Hair Removal | Dentistry



🕗 åbningstider

Road 12 Al Quds Ave، Block 812، Unit 51 Bldg 3611، Isa Town, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1768 9900
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.170528, Longitude: 50.548826

kommentar 5

  • moh'd Almahmood

    moh'd Almahmood


    الدكتور ناصر شغله نظيف وانسان نصوح بس عندهم مشكلة كبيرة بالنسبة لي سوء تنظيم الوقت يعني عادي موعدك ٤ تدخل على الدكتور ٥:٣٠ اتمنى من الدكتور يشوف حل حق هذي المشكله

  • chan ges

    chan ges


  • donya world

    donya world


    Great for laser hair removal and have amazing Dentists and orthodontist.. Orthodontist takes his time and explains everything before the treatment.The bahraini lady in the reception is very rude over the phone! They usually call for appointments and confirmation, the way she talks is so inappropriate and disrespectful! Even when you reach there she doesnt smile and talks rudely and is in a hurry to take money before the service! I dont like to go there when shes there.. regardless of this! The other staff are very friendly and they always smile and take care of you.. Their laser service is awesome, painless and soothing. they also have a coffee area where they serve coffee and cheap candies.. beautiful interior design and ambience in the lobby/ waiting area!! Overall is a great center but needs little more improvements. Hope to see better reception in the future!!

  • Jacqueline Pierre

    Jacqueline Pierre


    Awesome experience with laser hair removal. Professional, kind and competent staff and technician.

  • عبدالله البلال

    عبدالله البلال


    ما جربته بس الظاهر زين

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