مركز الرسالة الطبي Al Resalah Medical Center i Isa Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrainمركز الرسالة الطبي Al Resalah Medical Center



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1403, 814, Isa Town, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1768 0088
internet side: www.rmc.bh
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Latitude: 26.1669175, Longitude: 50.5629422

kommentar 5

  • Abdulla AlBinali

    Abdulla AlBinali


    I've been to Al Resalah twice and both times was to specifically go to Dr. Ebrahim Khamis. Whom I believe to be the best orthopedics doctor in Bahrain. The clinic, in general, seems comfortable in so far as the waiting area is concerned. Though doesn't seem to have a lot of variety in so far as specialists are concerned. It's open 24/7 and they have a pharmacy just outside the clinic. The parking can be an issue inside the clinic but there are plenty of spaces just outside, so it's not really an issue.

  • Sondess OJ

    Sondess OJ


    The staff lack in knowledge. I had a very bad experience there and will never go back to it again. There were two male Egyptian doctors who were good though.

  • Mezal Al Majed

    Mezal Al Majed


    Worst hospital i ever saw, had to wait for one hour to see the doctor which i already had booked an appointment with one week ago, furthermore patients who came after me went in before me, later on when i asked the receptiontionest, she simply said the dr had left and i should book another appointment 👎👎 اسؤ مستشفى اتعامل معه في حياتي..بعد إنتظار اكثر من ساعة للدخول على الدكتور وادخال مرضى من بعدي للدكتور مع ان كان لدي موعد مسبق..اتفاجىء بموظفة الاستقبال تخبرني بان الدكتور قد غادر ولابد من حجز موعد ليوم اخر 👎👎

  • Ridha Al Hammam

    Ridha Al Hammam


    Fast service but not all specialities available

  • Muhammed Hasan Taher

    Muhammed Hasan Taher


    Removing teeth process was painful

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