CERAM Dental Center i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCERAM Dental Center



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Highway 35، Manama 973, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1713 1123
internet side: ceram-dental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.206373, Longitude: 50.56681

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gaith Alshebel


    Very good service, average prices

  • en

    Thidar Win


    Receptionists are not professional and the bill compare to what u pay is not same... they took more than the bill that they gave...

  • Jehad Faraj

    Jehad Faraj


    Let's get the dentistry out of the way. Dr Heba was very good however her assistant was not good and there was saliva all over my face. No goggles provided. Although the assistant did wipe my face once they were done. Why one star because the receptionist (fillpina) was rude from the time we arrived they wanted to reschedule my appointment 15 mins before. As I was leaving I told her thank you and her reply was "because you are zero payment that's why you said thank you" (yes I have insurance because it's my company entitlement) Due her I won't be going back or recommending this clinic to my colleagues. In case anyone thinks I'm being a racist my wife is a Filipina! While the receptionist insisted it was just a joke I didn't find it funny and she's not my friend to joke around. Worst clinic in my life and won't go back even if it's free. I would rather pay for a clinic that treats people right! ****UPDATE***** I received a phone call from the owner of the clinic about 1 hour after I left and he was very kind with his apology on behalf of his staff. So thank you Mr. Ansari for the prompt response and I wish you all the best with your clinic. I added one star for this gesture.

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    Very Bad experience with just normal cleaning with Dr.Heba. Not recommended at all

  • en

    A. I.


    Professional services you can depend on... From simple check-up to Hollywood Smile.

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