Pet Arabia i Abu Saiba

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BahrainPet Arabia



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Road: 7325, Block: 473, Abu Saiba, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1759 2288
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.218996, Longitude: 50.501126

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elham Almosawi


    At first, I thought these guys are over priced. Truth is, they have the good stuff. High Quality food. High Quality litter. Covered litter boxes. You cannot find these things anywhere in Bahrain and God these things make a difference! The cat's digestion system and even the smell of their litter you can notice immediately :)

  • Sangam Pokhrel

    Sangam Pokhrel


    Pet Arabia staffs are having genuinely passion to the pets. I felt very emotion while the sales person was playing with my dog same as I do. He even knew that my dog was thirsty and offered water to my dog. He explained me very well that why “Taste of the wild” food is best suits for Bahrain weather and benefit of feeding grain free food. Thank you Pet Arabia !

  • en

    Vinith Shetty


    Awesome experience, my puppy was so active and roaming freely. I love the garden area in the front and staffs are very friendly and we'll experienced they explained me about products. Best place to get everything for pets....

  • George Aduhene Gyabeng

    George Aduhene Gyabeng


    Pet Arabia thanks so much for the advice, my puppy is now strong and healthy. Hi guys, this is the second to none. Come and experience it yourself and your pet problem will be gone forever. Experience staff with 5🌟 customer service. Come get advice on the dos and Don's of your pets and you will always love to visit again. PET ARABIA .... My number 1

  • Mohammed Adil

    Mohammed Adil


    What a great experience at Pet Arabia !!! The experienced, trained and friendly staff who listened carefully to what was needed/wanted. The team did an outstanding job for my Rocky’s best ever professional grooming. He now looks gorgeous. I will be glad to visit again not just for grooming but also for the range and quality of products. Thank you Pet Arabia :)

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