Nova Dental Center i Seef Area

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNova Dental Center



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The Courtyard (Open Air Mall), Shop 14 - First Floor - Avenue 40 - Block 428, Seef Area, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 7711 1115
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.238781, Longitude: 50.535351

kommentar 5

  • en

    ruben peter


    The best place for a complete dental care! Best environment and caring staff, Dr.Hussain did wonderful job, never thought the RCT will be completely painless,very happy with the service Thanks a lot, Reagrsds, Peter

  • ravindra varma

    ravindra varma


    It’s wonderful experience, the staff is so good and they listen problem and treated well , pain less treatment , doctor is knowledgeable and suggested tips

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    Sana Mahmandar


    I just came from a cleaning. I can’t stress enough what a breeze the experience was. It felt like a dream, not even a pinch. I am extremely sensitive to pain and Dr. Iman was sooooooo gentle you could fall asleep during the procedure. She has done magic! I highly recommend doing your cleaning at Nova Dental, believe me it doesn’t even compare to other dentist offices. It’s on a level of its own. Update: i came back as I had a great experience the first time here. I just took my wisdom teeth out by Dr. Hussein. The experience was a breeze. I have delayed this procedure for yeaaaaars due to my phobia of dentists. I didn’t feel anything during the procedure although I took two teeth at the same time. The doctor was extremely gentle and patient. I recommend this clinic to any person with a previous bad Dental experience or even a trauma by a dentist, which happens often. You will be amazed! Thank you Dr. Hussein for everything!

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    Laura Shupp


    Dr. Hussein's meticulous effort to achieve the most healthy, beautiful smile exceeded my expectations. I'd recommend him to anyone, especially for the expat community looking for top quality treatment.

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    Tamam Altamam


    I highly recommend this clinic, Dr Hussain has very light hands and really knows what he's doing, he's also very welcoming and his smile never leaves his face. Bader AlSaloom

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