Bogari Denta Derma Center i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBogari Denta Derma Center



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1025, Road No. 3621, Seef, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1730 0114
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.235548, Longitude: 50.533258

kommentar 4

  • Alex AD

    Alex AD


    Over priced.... Based on my personal experience recently.... They offered me high price but when they got to know it’s covered by my insurance they charged the insurance a lot. No Credibility...... No Trust.... Not Recommended I have been in GCC for almost 15 Years and in Bahrain for almost 2 Years..... I know the prices very well.... I have contacted more than 15 Dental Clinc in Baharin before posting my feedback. Also, I have received the final price from your staff at your clinic reception upon finishing the treatment. However, you charged my insurance extra (60 BHD which is 600 AED) Yes, we have received great service at your amazing clinic but Credibility is very important!!!! Good Luck

  • en

    Farida El Hassani


    The best beauty clinic ever. I did botox, fillers, laser by them and I'm really happy for the result. Highly recommended.

  • Samer Alsourani

    Samer Alsourani


    Chic and elegance is what distinguishes Dr. Rim Dental from the rest. This is on top of the quality of service and the friendliness of the team.

  • Iyad Bader

    Iyad Bader


    One of the best Dental Centers in The Middle East!

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