Mercure Grand Hotel Seef مركيور جراند سيف i Manama

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BahrainMercure Grand Hotel Seef مركيور جراند سيف



🕗 åbningstider

Road 2827, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 4400
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.232159, Longitude: 50.540903

kommentar 5

  • A V S

    A V S


    You can feel the home if you stay long days. Breakfast is good. Working people behave with you very kind manner. If you request they will arrange the general needs.

  • en

    Sheye Eehhd


    Nice facilities clear n nice reception staff room very big kicten facilities in rooms nice breakfast very nice server Ms meenu I would like to again stay in mercure

  • Aman Makandar

    Aman Makandar


    I'd been there for an iftar, the arrangements were set up extremely beautifully. The food was good too, but it was just over crowded.

  • Naif AL-Qahtani

    Naif AL-Qahtani


    The staff were so nice.. they upgraded my room to suite.. the swimming pool was closed for Ramadan preparation, which effected my stay there. However, the place looks like old and aged. The lights in the room was bad since there are few light spots. The hotel was close to Alseef Mall and Al Aali Mall. Around us see real nice restaurants.

  • MaryJane Stricklin

    MaryJane Stricklin


    Nice hotel. Nice rooms. Nice bar with sheesha. Do NOT order a martini. Keep it simply. Bartender does not do fancy or traditional drinks well. Very Arabic oriented but was not made to feel uncomfortable. This hotel has special themed events that are fun and informative.

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