Ramee Grand Hotel & Spa i Seef

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BahrainRamee Grand Hotel & Spa



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Road 2813, 11538, Seef, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1711 1999
internet side: www.rameegrandbahrain.com
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Latitude: 26.2354376, Longitude: 50.5361693

kommentar 5

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    Nice 4 star hotel, not very old and the location is great which is next to the seef mall and city center

  • en

    Abdulrahman Al Kadi


    The hotel is nice as a building and it was furnished properly. However, the housekeeping don’t know the basic principle of cleaning because when we stepped in we found a leftover food and kitchen cabinet was not fixed. The towels in the bathroom, I wonder if they are cleaned in the laundry because we found hair in the towels. Also, the recipients need to be coached because the need to smile and always find alternatives for the customers and not complicate things. Actually, my experience with this hotel was very bad and I don’t think I will come again

  • Waruna Wijesuriya

    Waruna Wijesuriya


    White interior, brilliant days light, floor-to-ceiling glass wall and above all, the large bathtub with full range amenities makes this place unbeatable. Don't think twice to book it.

  • Omar Albarghouty

    Omar Albarghouty


    A great spa and massage services. You can even take a shower after the massage session. Very fancy!

  • Ahmad Dialdin

    Ahmad Dialdin


    It's fine. No complaints and decent room (Premier Double Room), albeit smaller than similar room at Swiss Belhotel. Good-sized bathroom, though. Room service not especially great in terms of options. Personal Notes: Skip breakfast.. Absolutely no reason to have to this option with subpar everything, including coffee, when there are plenty of options out and about that are much better at same price.

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