Marina Beach Garden Park i Manama

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BahrainMarina Beach Garden Park



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Road No 2407, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +254 714 605020
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Latitude: 26.23186, Longitude: 50.5996129

kommentar 5

  • Mr Momin Ansari

    Mr Momin Ansari


    Marina Beach Park is best park in Bahrain beside sea there is small beach as well inside there is fun land as well --- dolphin resort and first class restaurant as well ... for hawar island booking office is there ... a fun pack space for all activities available here

  • Aditya Pillai

    Aditya Pillai


    An absolute beauty of a place for a stroll or have a BBQ with your family. The marina beach park is built up around a boardwalk (seaside) which contributes even more to the relaxation experienced when there. It already is a popular chill out spot among locals and expats...who come in with their families and friends. There are several small restaurants and walkway food stalls along the entire stretch. However the major attraction of the place ice rink....a bowling alley, a general kids play area with rides and whatnot and finally a massive dolphin park along the stretch. So if you wish to have some summer fun with the family or just sit down and relax....Marina Beach Park should do the trick.

  • sinoj sebastian

    sinoj sebastian


    Space for picnics and it got some play area. Good place for jogging and cycling. Need better maintenance

  • Shakil Hashmi

    Shakil Hashmi


    Lovely location, which once was better maintained. For the last 3 years or so, it is neglected. The clubs and restaurants here are a good place to sit down and unwind - watch the sea, jet skis, boats while having some seafood or grills. There's a nice club house there. In the good seasons you can go there with your barbecue kit.

  • Thanikaivelan Samban

    Thanikaivelan Samban


    One of the good public park in Manama city. I like this place. Pretty decent for family outing. Variety of snakes corner available. Children play area is really good. Especially the you train ride. Ice sketching and Dolphin show are very near to this area. If you are living in Manama, its great place to have evening visit.

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