Andalus Garden i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAndalus Garden



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Palace Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3450 4641
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Latitude: 26.2223058, Longitude: 50.5854139

kommentar 5

  • Sushma Nair

    Sushma Nair


    A very nice place for walking. Located in the heart of the city but still with no pollution. It has 2 different portions. One has its own football yard where as the other one has children playing ground. Parking is available. U got some small refreshments stalls der. All in all its a very apt area for ur all fitness goals.

  • Roshan Valder

    Roshan Valder


    Great walking track with trees and lawns beautifully arranged with ample seating and picnic areas. Great for exercise, relaxing or as an outdoor meeting spot. Even has a cafe, restaurant and art gallery. Kiddie play area is separate with slides and swings on one side and artificial turfs for football on both sides of the garden. Do check out both the sides of the garden, one which contains a walking track and the other side the kiddie park and picnic area with many slides and swings.

  • Haroon Navash

    Haroon Navash


    It’s a open and green public garden where it has good environment for walking where each lap covers 500meter. It has wide parking area for visitors. We are having palace mosque near to this place it helps people at garden attend prayer with Jamath. It’s wonderful place to spend with family.

  • Mohammad Nazmul Islam

    Mohammad Nazmul Islam


    Morning or evening Andalus is the best place for walk or jogging what you want. You cam take a deep breath with nature in this city of concrete. You al so can hangouts with your friends there.This also a very good place for family picnic & get together. Always clean & well maintained. you can just sit & have a good evening after a busy working days.Your find will definetly cheer up & refresh.

  • senthil kumar

    senthil kumar


    Very good park for walking and children’s playing area. Well maintained grass covered park.small football ground available here. With family spending time here very easy and greenery surrounded by this park.Evening u can find lot of rush here. Weekend no place for taking rest full of human heads u can find everywhere inside the park. Main problem for this park u can’t get parking slot.Rest room not maintained properly . Safety wise u can find lot of security guards taking round in the park. Weekend good to time-pass here.

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