The Lagoon Park i Muharraq Governorate

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BahrainThe Lagoon Park



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Al Fanar Avenue, Muharraq Governorate, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3596 9435
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Latitude: 26.2878029, Longitude: 50.66418

kommentar 5

  • Youssef Mousa

    Youssef Mousa


    A very nice view from the terrace with a lot of cafes and even a laser tag. Decent parking

  • Mariette Heydenreich

    Mariette Heydenreich


    Great facility for family to have a stroll around the lagoon or have a quick meal or need to get some necessities from the Mega Mart also located there at the complex.

  • S9 Plus

    S9 Plus


    The Lagoon Park Amwaj is one of My Best Hangout location's in Bahrain. You will find plenty of Cafe's and Food Chains here , all of which you should Try ! Star Trooper is my favourite Cafe there . I will not recoomend going there in Hot Summer specially in July-Sept because in this period this place is too much humid and you will sweat badly. Similarly in Winter and Spring , it is more than amazing too go there and Have a Snack or Sheesha..

  • en

    Khaled Noaman


    Good place to hang out with friends. Have a walk around the lagoon or smoke a shisha over coffee. The place might not be well maintained compared to the Dubai marina and is much much smaller, but for Bahrain it's one if the few nice places to head to for some fun.

  • Khamis Alzayani

    Khamis Alzayani


    The Lagoon is one of the most comfortable and entertaining places for the whole family. One can enjoy a cup of coffee in one of the cafes spread around the lagoon and enjoy the view of the lagoon, or eat breakfast, lunch or even dinner with family or friends. For lovers of outdoor sports, you can walk around the lagoon and enjoy the exceptional atmosphere. Many options are available to all visitors of all ages.

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