Lulu Hypermarket i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLulu Hypermarket



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Manama, Bahrajn
kontakter telefon: +973 1755 3555
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Latitude: 26.2309096, Longitude: 50.5525428

kommentar 5

  • ar

    Ali Mahdi


    لولو هايبرماركت، مركز التسوق الشهير الذي يتميز بأسعاره التنافسية الرائعة واحتوائه على كافة المنتجات التي يحتاجها اي مستهلك. كما ويحتوي لولو على قسم خاص بالملابس والاحذية والإلكترونيات والساعات. تنتشر فروع لولو في كافة انحاء البحرين وبالاضافة لذلك ففروعه في ازدياد مستمر.

  • Jojin John

    Jojin John


    One of the best places to have a nice shopping experience

  • Akhil Sasidharan S

    Akhil Sasidharan S


    Lulu is bigger hypermarket and cheaper price and good product is available here.we can buy electrical,electronics,food items,kitchen sets.Very good and variety collection of textiles and jewelry,.you can pick any types of product.very easy to find products and see the price on it.Lulu Hypermarket is an Indian businessman owned hypermarketchain and retail company headquartered in Abu Dhabi. It was founded in 2000 by Yusuff Ali M.A.who hails from Nattika, Thrissur district in India. Lulu Hypermarket is one of the divisions of Indianmultinational conglomerate company “Lulu Group International”. LuLu has over 40,000 employees of various nationalities.

  • Mitto M

    Mitto M


    Does anybody know what sort of chicken are been used at Lulu food section? Are they frozen or fresh?

  • Manas Iusupbaev

    Manas Iusupbaev


    Good supermarket with lots of choices Cashiers are always welcomed customers The cheese options are less than carrefour Not so many offers for food and nuts In second floor you can find clothes electronics Souvenirs Sport items and more of the things

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