LIFE-FIT Fitness Centre i Saar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLIFE-FIT Fitness Centre



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140, Road No 7151, 757, Saar, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1769 2424
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1788367, Longitude: 50.4748733

kommentar 5

  • Khuzaima Jallad

    Khuzaima Jallad


    A villa turned into a fitness centre. The place is quite nice but can be crowded during peak hours. It lacks experienced trainers and the monthly subscription fee is high in comparison with other fitness centers in the area.

  • Reem Angel

    Reem Angel


    Probably the best gym in Bahrain.

  • en

    sarah jane Sweet life


    Greay place for a serious work out run by sarah al hamad with over 25yrs experience in fitness. Also has a great little cafe for juices etc

  • sarah jane Mcentee

    sarah jane Mcentee


    Just so fab and professional, reasonable prices and great staff..a cafe serving juices too..that is a bonus. Also they run kids camps which are great fun for the little ones

  • en

    Abdulrahman Buhusain


    It's a really good gym that is fully equipped with the finest gym equipment, it has two floors the ground floor have the lockers room for male and female pulse the toilets it also have a mixed gym and a female gym, first floor have the studio where the classes are done, they have a lot of classes with really good trainers and really good equipment, it have a coffee shop as well in the ground floor that does healthy meals and some protein shakes and coffee. It also have a parking spaces.

nærmeste Gym

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