Pure Yoga Plus Cycle i Hamala

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BahrainPure Yoga Plus Cycle



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Hamala, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1700 7111
internet side: www.pureyogabh.com
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Latitude: 26.1646468, Longitude: 50.4700149

kommentar 5

  • enrico mari grego

    enrico mari grego


    Beautiful space with high energy spinning class like they do it In Italy and great yoga classes for flexibility and strength

  • en

    banu malek


    Teaching at Pure Yoga + Cycle has been an experience second to none, being one of the only hot yoga and spinning studio in bahrain, it is not only the best but indeed is. classy, elegant, hospitable and very friendly just like its owner Fatima Batook who is a dynamic teacher and entrepreneur whose passion is paramount in placing PYC where it is now. It has been a great platform for an incredible teaching and practicing experience. In Every class there is something i learn, my wonderful and dedicated students inspire me inside out. This is my home and has been for a while. Love n light. C u all ,, unroll the mat now. Namaste!!!💕😍♥️🌎

  • Srusti Ranjan

    Srusti Ranjan


    Let the pure form of ancient science heal your soul. Yoga @Pure yoga plus cycle should be at top of your list of it isn't already. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Aljosa Skoko


    Pure Yoga is a very professional Yoga and Spinning studio where you feel a warm welcome from the first time you enter. Besides their great Yoga and Spinning classes given by qualified trainers, the people, the interior design and decoration makes this place feel like home and therefore is on of my favourite places in Bahrain.

  • Judith Little

    Judith Little


    I love practicing yoga at Pure Yoga! I’ve been going for a year and a half now and I feel stronger, healthier and happier. Banu is a wonderful teacher and is hugely experienced. I like her dynamic, energetic approach to yoga. Give it a try... 🙏🏼

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