Alnakheel Fitness Ladies i Jannusan

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BahrainAlnakheel Fitness Ladies



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Road No 255, Jannusan, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1779 9990
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2216393, Longitude: 50.5024076

kommentar 5

  • Messi Hasan

    Messi Hasan


    nice trainer and great gym

  • en

    UmmZ bee


    This is a great gym! Great care and attention to detail has been taken. In particular, it has quite a welcoming atmosphere, an inclusive feel and the privacy that ladies often want in a gym. I love that I can go in, take off my hijab and train without a concern or worry. The gym equipment is high-tech, clean and well looked after. There are a variety of resistance machines, cardio equipment, weights and classes to suit anyone's tastes. The classes are great, and there's a brilliant variety, from Zumba to Omnia, Kangoo jumps and HIIT. The instructors are warm and encouraging, and so I found settling into the gym really easily. The only thing I wish is that we were doing classes in a large glass room or something, rather than right in the middle of the gym (whilst everyone else works out around you). For the price of my membership, I have access to all and any classes, all and any equipment, towels, sauna and steam room, super-clean showers, hair dryers, lovely fruit-infused water and free apples and bananas. I have found the gym to be such a good way of giving me great stress relief and the atmosphere is brilliant! One thing I love, is that they even have a prayer room for Muslim members and they turn off the music when the call to prayer is called. That's the type of attention to detail that makes people feel welcomed! My only complaint would be that whilst the trainers aren't training others, they're often sat around on their phones, which can make them come across as bored and disinterested. It doesn't come across as very professional. It may be worth them having a staff-room where they can relax between classes and PT sessions and then when they're in front or customers, they can look busy. Overall though, this place gets 5 stars without a doubt. The atmosphere, equipment, variety of classes and little touches like the water and steam rooms are awesome. I highly recommend it!

  • Briana Billings

    Briana Billings


    Very nice ladies gym with new equipment and nice trainers. I like that it is super clean and not that expensive. Anyone can try it one time for free with an assessment every month. Strongly recommend, and is considered as the best ladies gym in Bahrain.

  • Sadiq Ahmed

    Sadiq Ahmed


    في الريادة

  • alnakheel ladies

    alnakheel ladies


    The best fitness centre 👌

nærmeste Gym

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