LET'S POPCORN Bahrain i Zayed

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BahrainLET'S POPCORN Bahrain



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shaikh salman highway Al Andalussiah II، Zayed، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 6667 9797
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Latitude: 26.1658222, Longitude: 50.5419075

kommentar 5

  • Mohit Sharma

    Mohit Sharma


    Amazing variety of popcorns

  • Miya Alfadli

    Miya Alfadli


    Amazing ❤️

  • Mohammed Hussain

    Mohammed Hussain


    Fuxking great taste And variety of flavours except the prices are too hot. I mean come on why too damn expensive!! Just because of your prices am giving you 4 star reduce the price of sweet flavour popcorn and I'll sure change it to 5 star!

  • Sami Baig

    Sami Baig


    In the heart of Al-Andalosiya Plaza, Zayed Town lies a gourmet culture focused on delivering a unique popcorn experience. With over 40 flavours to choose from (be it Sweet, Salt or their specialities) you'll never run out of options. Seating, though limited, is available for those that want to dine-in and the walls of the shop are utilised uniquely to showcase the different packages on offer - pouches, jars and party packages of upto 20 boxes. We tried alot of flavours from Marble, Wasabi, Nacho to Caramel Peanut but decided to purchase the following:- [Strawberry Cheesecake] - don't gross out by reading the name as the airpopped popcorn tastes amazing in this coating (my personal favourite so far) [Chili Cheetos] - only reason this was picked is due to the fact that this includes Cheetos Flaming Hot 🔥😍 [Yellow Cheese] - ah, no words to describe this one. Easily the best cheese option. If you're craving for flavoured popcorn then look no further than @letspopcornbh So, grab your money, drive to Al-Andalosiya plaza and Let's Popcorn Bahrain! 🤪

  • Noor Alhayki

    Noor Alhayki


    More than 20 flavours of air popped popcorn which makes it a great snack. However, sometimes I get negative feedback that the popcorn is not fresh. Maybe because it's air popped so beware it's not as crunchy. Another thing is the portion, sometimes i dont want to be restricted to buying one flavour and want 3 or 4 small pouches. unfortunately, if you want to do that, you must go for the 10 pouches package. it might be over priced but, all in all, I like the variety of flavours and healthy aspect. Try the Nuttla, Oreo and salt/vingar. yummy

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