Costa Coffee i Zayed Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCosta Coffee



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Zayed Town, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1768 0778
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1671826, Longitude: 50.5422673

kommentar 5

  • hussain marhoon

    hussain marhoon


    Good place to study , you can find find park for the car easily.

  • Mariam Althawadi

    Mariam Althawadi


    Best thing it's open 24 hours

  • Adel Ali Salman

    Adel Ali Salman


    We will miss the coffee and muffin

  • Ma Altajer

    Ma Altajer


    Great Cafe especially for students who wants to study in groups.

  • yousif al majed

    yousif al majed


    This review is about the branch. The seating: there are 5 different seating areas two of them are outside, the seating arrangements are mostly comfortable for gathering, reading, and very good for studies. Location: the place is one of the oldest shops in the area and other shops kinda sprouted around it, it's very close to the highway an there's all kinds of shops to complement it. It's also open 24 hours all week.

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