Imperial Suites Hotel. Manama.Kingdom of Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainImperial Suites Hotel. Manama.Kingdom of Bahrain



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Road No 820, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2248253, Longitude: 50.5838643

kommentar 5

  • zohair shah

    zohair shah


    Nice Hotel and food street near the hotel

  • en

    prijith mathai


    Not recommended at all , we booked the room through online platform ( standard room ) And when we reached there , they Gave is the worst room in the entire universe. 1. No cleanliness 2. No bathroom locks 3. No internet 4. No ventilation 5. No telephone ( to contact the reception ) 6. Worst furnitures 7. No hot water , in fact if we turn on the hot water tap , nothing but air comes out 8. No Ac remotes to turn down the temperature or to off it

  • en

    Ahmed Gamal Abdallah


    It based on rooms they give, they have two types a poor one and good

  • Ahmed Jandali

    Ahmed Jandali


    The rooms are very good and they are comfortable as well, Also the staff are very helpful.

  • Nazir Ahmad

    Nazir Ahmad


    Service was zero. Night shift person was nice. Dirty towel. TV not working. No toiletier. No daily cleaning of room. Nice was only calmness.

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