Concord International Hotel i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainConcord International Hotel


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Shaikh Isa Avenue, P.O. BOX 3200, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1726 2999
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Latitude: 26.226644, Longitude: 50.582798

kommentar 5

  • Frank Uchegbu

    Frank Uchegbu


    This is a shambolic hotel. No need using this place. There were cockroaches in the rooms. No parking space. The gangways were very dirty and noisy all through the night. I regretted every bit of my stay.

  • S9 Plus

    S9 Plus


    Gym , Sheesha and Alot of SMOKE ! If you can bear it. The place is for you 😉 ! There is a Indoor pool inside which gives an amazing view ! The Gym of the hotel is equipped with Modern and up to date Equipment and serves as a big plus point for the visitors as well as Locals ! Morever , The Sheesha Cafe's are always filled up and Crowded much for the please of the visitors ! ..

  • en

    S S


    Stinky corridors and impolite staff. Being cheap in price guarantees the cheapness of quali1amd service

  • Kris Ochedowski

    Kris Ochedowski


    Nice people. Basic but clean room.

  • Sudhir Dante

    Sudhir Dante


    Great place to stay for bachelor's. Spacious rooms and beds. Parking is an issue. Bang in front of sarvana bhavan and other restaurantsnin the area.

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