Ramada Hotel Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainRamada Hotel Bahrain



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Building 88 Road 351 Block 326, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 2000
internet side: www.ramada.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2175192, Longitude: 50.5905353

kommentar 5

  • en

    Manas Chattopadhyay


    Very comfortable hotel. Dinner was good. Not very expensive.

  • Alexandra Forte

    Alexandra Forte


    It is a very nice hotel. The rooms are big enough and clean + the staff is very friendly.

  • en

    Khadisha Beisembekova


    Nice, comfy, however rooms are very compact. Overall service was great, good breakfast menu. Location was very good - easy to find hotel.

  • Sean Rae

    Sean Rae


    Foyer and dining area nice and modern. Rooms are a bit dated. When going into the lifts there are TVs with pics of new modern hotels. No doubt with a little investment this hotel could be also. Staff were magnificent. Really friendly and polite. Especially the breakfast staff. All told good value for money.

  • Birgit Mitchell

    Birgit Mitchell


    Clean, high quality, 4 or 5 star hotel. Decor is elegant & simple, not ostentatious. Staff extremely nice & helpful. Excellent English, all personnel. Rooms clean, bright & elegant. Decent bathtubs with plenty of hot water for a proper bath. (Which is sometimes difficult to find in the M.E.) In-house restaurant absolutely superlative!! Buffet breakfast 100% 5 star!!☆☆☆☆☆. One could not ask for wider choice, quality, or variety. 8-12 possibilities of breads & pastries, egg dishes, meats, cheeses, fruits, & fresh juices& teas !! A proper traditional American, English, French, European, Arabic, and Indian breakfast all available simultaneously! My dinner selection of thyme roast chicken breast was perfectly cooked while utterly tender, juicy & flavourful. Perfectly steamed 5 sorts of veggies and excellent fresh mashed potatoes, with four kinds of bread and fresh butter made my simple meal absolutely gourmet. Freshly pressed pineapple juice- a taste sensation.

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