Haji Traditional Cafe i Manama

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BahrainHaji Traditional Cafe



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 0647
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Latitude: 26.2334121, Longitude: 50.5744538

kommentar 5

  • Mo. Alaabar

    Mo. Alaabar


    An old cafe that sustained its identity and authentic vibe. It serves great traditional breakfast and dinner, good quality and cheap. Make sure that you go early because some dishes or options run out quick and to get seats otherwise you’ll have to wait. Ps “There is a family section also for ladies or families for those who don’t like to be stared at sometimes” .

  • en

    Mohammed Al-Bulushi


    Nice traditional place.. very simple setup but really nice atmosphere and good food

  • Sagar Motgi

    Sagar Motgi


    A must visit if you are a tourist/local. Located at manama close to bab al bahrain. This has been running since 1950. Usually crowded most of the time. Serves breakfast lunch and dinner. The setup is the traditional bahrain style . Has a family section aswell. Has tables put up on the road aswell. The prices are very very reasonable. Serves all the dishes with khabos (traditional Arabic bread) . After you have an awesome meal. Do not forget to have chai. It's a must. Parking is a problem here and it's better you park at infrony of regency hotel in the paid parking. Make sure you carry cash as this cafe probably doesn't take credit and debit cards.

  • Cesar Gonzalez

    Cesar Gonzalez


    A must visit in Bahrain, specially if you want a traditional Arabic breakfast, their bread is addictive. But they serve meals during all day, not only breakfast. It’s usually crowded but they’re fast, if you don’t find a seat when you arrive you will do soon. Good food at a reasonable price.

  • Madhu Sarda

    Madhu Sarda


    One of the oldest places in town to have local food. Located in Manama near Gold City and Bab al Bahrain. Budget friendly. Good food. Old world charm. Outdoor seating in an alley. Local Arabic food. Tea is also good. Friendly service. Parking can be a problem.

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