Dr. Abeer Alkobasi COSM Clinic i Manama

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BahrainDr. Abeer Alkobasi COSM Clinic


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Road No 3306, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1782 0988
internet side: www.dr-abeer.com
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Latitude: 26.2048113, Longitude: 50.575819

kommentar 5

  • en

    sara snyder


    There is no proper review of this doctor anywhere so I figured I'd give an in depth and honest review of my experience. Dr. Abeer is without a doubt the rudest doctor I have ever been to in my life. She is very cold and money hungry. As soon as u walk into the clinic ur asked to pay for the consultation before even seeing the doctor, which is ridiculous and cheap. After paying and waiting I had a list of questions I wanted to ask. When I walked in she didn't make eye contact with me, didnt even shake my hand, and very coldly asked me what I wanted to have done. I told her that I was thinking about having lip fillers and showed her some pictures of what I wanted. She said ok but the pictures I showed her wouldnt work for my face, and thats it. She didnt offer any explanation of what WOULD suit my face, didnt take the time to really examine my face, didnt explain the procedure to me AT ALL (even though I told her it was my first time getting any sort of filler) and just like that I was out of the room. I swear I was in there for maybe 5 minutes. I paid 30 dinars just to tell her I want lip fillers and for her to say "ok but not that shape." After that, they made me go pay again, for the fillers this time (costing 160BD) I cannot emphasize how stupid it is that they made me pay twice instead of just paying for the consultation and procedure together. Also, what kind of doctor charges 30BD for a consultation and doesnt even give the patient 10 minutes of their time to really discuss their issues? There were a number of procedures I wanted to ask about but she didnt give me a chance to even ask, and she rushed me because there were other patients outside waiting, which is not my problem. Moving on to the actual fillers, a nurse applied numbing cream for me and I was left to wait for the doctor. The nurses all appeared to be afraid of the doctor, and for good reason it seems because she yelled at a nurse in front of me during my procedure. I was very tense & afraid & had no idea what to expect because the doctor didnt explain anything to me. The biggest shock of all is the second the doctor and nurse walked in to begin the procedure, the nurse took my phone away from me and kept it on a table. I was just thinking is this an exam? The injections were very painful and I cried a little because of the pain, and the doctor was so rude about it and didnt offer any comfort. When it was over she just said "done" and walked out. I was in pure shock. I laid there in tears while the nurse cleaned my mouth, and after I calmed down she gave me a mirror to look at myself. I absolutely hated how they looked but the nurse explained to me that it was going to look even worse because of swelling and it's too soon to judge. Only after 2 weeks u can judge the result after the swelling is gone, and I was just thinking shouldnt the doctor explain all of this to me BEFORE my procedure? What kind of doctor just walks out after a procedure while their patient is obviously upset? She should have showed me my lips before she left the room and asked me if I had any issues or questions. The nurse then asked me to leave because the next patient was waiting. Very very rude. Its been over 3 weeks & Im not happy with the result of my fillers, my top lip looks very weird & fake and its not the look I wanted. She completely ignored what I asked for and just did whatever she wanted without showing me or asking me or including me in the decision. I feel like she played with my face, and I wish I could go back in time and not go to her clinic that day. There are lumps in my lips and I can feel them very clearly, if they have still not dissolved by next week I will go to another doctor to remove them because there is no way I will ever go back to her. Overall I dont recommend her to anyone, she is a mean person and didn't make me feel safe at all, which is absurd for someone with such high prices. Next time I will do better research when choosing my doctor, and choose someone who will take their time with me and treat me well. I hope this review helps someone.

  • prince 00014

    prince 00014


  • en

    Mohammad Dohaim



  • ar

    خالد الخبر


    جدا ممتاز يعطيها العافيه بناء على كلام الاهل ربي يسعدهم على اخلاصهم في عملهم وخفة اياديهم .

  • ar



    تم حجز موعد من اكثر من شهر وتم تأكيده مرة اخرى وعند الحضور بالموعد تم الرد بكل برود ان الدكتورة كانت في دبي؟؟؟

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