Al Kindi Specialised Hospital i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Kindi Specialised Hospital



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Highway 35, 330, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1724 0444
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2090081, Longitude: 50.5671168

kommentar 5

  • Prince A T

    Prince A T


    Over the years, Al Kindi Specialised Hospital has focused it’s efforts on developing people orientated services that enrich the quality of life and strengthen our community. With the opening of Al Kindi Specialised Hospital , the dream of making high-quality, complex medical care readily available to the local community became a reality. Since then, Al Kindi Specialised Hospital has endeavored to live up to its promise by continually improving its technology, expertise, exceptional quality & patient safety. But the main focus of all our efforts is the patient. Besides excellent healthcare, it is our intention to provide outstanding value and a patient centered, stress-free and safe environment.

  • Ammar Abdrabboh

    Ammar Abdrabboh


    Very bad treatment for sleeping patients. High prices with no good service. They are not flexible at all. Charge per night sleep is 140 BD !!!!

  • Abdulrahman A Al Madani

    Abdulrahman A Al Madani


    Perfect 👌 hospital 🏥 Good team

  • Ashok P

    Ashok P


    It is a good hosptial with supportive staff. I went for medical checkup for CPR purpose. I did not wait much and the doctor treated well.They charged me 29BD, for the checkup which includes a sandwich and a great coffee.

  • en

    Lucie Atamian


    On January 29 2018 at around 930 am I went to see my orthopedic doctor who sent me for xrays within the hospital. The four xrays took half an hour because the power was cutting off, electricity of that xray room only was being disconnected. This is unacceptable I am paying for a service as a consumer I expect that service to be conducted in a professional way. As a hospital you should have generators kicking in the minute that the power is cut off for any reason. Also on a different note the management has informed the staff that vitals should be taken but unfortunately it is not proper procedure because due to the lack of parking we end up parking far away and we wait for the elevator which is the slowest ever so normal folks take the steps. They want to take vitals when you just climbed 3 flights of steps and your blood pressure has risen. When I question their procedures their answer is that it is a hospital policy. Well the hospital policy needs to be reviewed and changed based on logic. I find it hard to believe that this hospital can still operate this way. What a shame! I would be happy to speak to the CEO or the president of the hospital about it.

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